WFirst (May 2024)

CareerPaths: Business Services
Job type: Project
Job ref: 001783
Published: 7 months ago

WFirst is a one day programme which provides you with an insight into life in a premier corporate law firm. The next WFirst programme will run on Thursday 23 May in the firm's Dublin office. As a participant on the programme you will benefit from:

- Insight into what a top corporate law firm does & our responsible business initiatives

- Participation in an interactive professional development skills session

- An overview of intern, placement & trainee programmes and what we are looking for

- Top tips to boost your CV with our application & interview masterclass

- A taste of life as a trainee through work shadowing & a panel discussion

- Networking opportunities with legal professionals, HR & Professional Development team members

This programme is open to students in first and second year from any degree subject who are interested in learning more about a career in corporate law. To apply please submit a CV and cover letter by 5pm on 9 April.

At William Fry we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, underpinned by our value 'Powerfully Principled'. To improve access to the legal profession, we encourage DARE students to apply for the WFirst programme.

If you require any reasonable accommodations to attend our offices for the WFirst programme, please contact